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What is Redux?

Redux is a powerful, open-source JavaScript library used for managing application state. It was created by Dan Abramov and Andrew Clark and has become one of the most popular tools for handling complex state management issues in front-end...

Must-Know iOS Developer Interview Questions

Within the expansive world of technology, iOS developers hold a significant role. They are the masterminds behind the apps that run on iOS devices, which include iPhones and iPads. Their work involves the creation, testing, and updating of...

Is Learning Ruby on Rails Worth It?

When it comes to web development, there are countless programming languages and frameworks to choose from. One that stands out among the crowd is Ruby on Rails. It’s a popular choice in the tech world for a variety of reasons. But is it worth...

What is Data Cleaning?

In today’s digital age, data has become the backbone of many industries, particularly the tech industry. One term that often comes up in this context is ‘data cleaning’. But what exactly does it mean? Data cleaning, also known as...

What is a Pivot Table?

With the rise of data-driven decision making in businesses, the importance of data analysis tools has never been more pronounced. One such tool that has gained widespread acceptance in the tech industry is the pivot table. Pivot tables are primarily...

What is Data Science?

In the digital age we live in, data has become the lifeblood of industries and businesses worldwide. As we continue to generate vast amounts of data every second, the need for professionals capable of making sense of this data is more crucial than...
